Thursday, June 10, 2010

saja mengada tulis macam ni

being single is just so fucking awesome. trust me.
that's what i shouted, out loud without a doubt on my 'what's on your mind?' facebook site. silent but clear. i am not being pathetic nor desperate. hell no. i'm just glad that i don't have to act like a control freak as woman nowadays born to be like one. but, big thankful to God as we are created to be the other half of man. and some succeeded taking more than half of a man. you go girl!!

i swear. i am not against the nature. i'm not opposed the fact that Jupiter and Mars were made for each other. what i mean here, at this very moment, i am happy to be a single me although if we're looking from the physical aspects, 'single' just don't suits me well. nope. maybe until the end of month. i'm trying hard. at gym and also badminton hall since i don't have much time to go hiking. urgghhh...

and it is fucking awesome that i just didn't get hurt and not being a stupid sensitive weirdo. just, sometimes i can feel the heartache. little. uhh... not a big deal. i have shield my heart.. safely in here. i know someday it'll be owned by... let's call him Mr. Mister, then i know it's time to love whole heartedly.

notakakiberbulu: amacam mael? cukup urban dok?


Mimie.Candy Cane said...

ahhhh...wa suka bangat enrty ni..sukaaaa...

ol said...

kawen je la.

pakcik said...

cakap frankfurt siot..

jo said...

haha..ini request ni. sementara tunggu argentina main..

kawin dengan sapa weh?

biasalah pakcik..musim world cup ni kan...

Schamastura said...

berabuk siottt..
single is nice=))

Alip~Ya~Alip said...

Hok aloh joe... :)

Kuwe said...

Gila lahh.

Nak kena pakai gugel translate lah pulokk.

jo said...

haha..penat gua berlatih ni..

eleh cik aya!

buat-buat tak paham je la...

alhena said...

huwaaa!! tk paham setarang!. mcm mana nk komen ni :(

p/s: aku fail english :(

tasekM said...

berdua pun belom tentu menyenangkan....


Pisey said...

ehem. ;)

FarhanaLicious said...

wah. jo makin hari makin hebat lah.

jo said...

tak baik tau main tipu-tipu..

err...ko buatbuat tahu je lah..

urmmmm....betul jugak tu kak...hmm...


ni bukan aku buat..hehe..